3 Reasons Why High School Relationships Are Known As ‘Immature’

Doncha Love High School Love?
High School Relationships are mostly temporary and when the kids grow up, they often laugh at what they used to do when they were in a relationship in high school!
According to me, the main reasons for that laughter are the following-

1) Weird Texts
Well, it’s obvious that high school couples never miss a chance to text each other.
But I’ve seen weird texts!
A girl texting her guy – “I want to get drunk right now!”
Guy- “Aww baby! You can drink on my birthday! It’s just 3 months left!”
Girl – “Aah! Forget it! Everyone will think I’m a drunkard!”
And the whole scenario is that the girl is all alone at home and the dad has a whole bar full of liquor!
This wouldn’t happen with a mature couple as first of all, they would never want to get drunk alone!
And secondly, they have access to any bar nearby!

2) Facebook Tags
Once the ‘….is in a relationship” option is checked, every second day one of the partners upload a picture on Facebook and tag each other!
These pictures include kisses, hearts, and even teddies!
I still don’t understand why they put up these kinds of pictures just to show everyone how deeply they love each other.
No doubt that they must be loving each other intensely, but love isn’t a blog post that you have to promote and show others!
I wish I had the newly married Mark Zuckerberg’s number so that I could tell him to do something about this! (Joking :D)

3) “OMG! Her Parents”
Many times, high school couples find each other at malls or at the movies unexpectedly.
The first look is always a happy one, but when they roll their eyes a bit and see the two ‘guards’ around the partner, they often say the sub-heading above these lines!
A real lover would go and say “Hi” to her love.
At that stage, it’s not a necessity to tell the parents that you both are in love.
Friends can always say “Hi” right?
And yeah, lying as a teenager is not a big crime in this field!
My View Of High School Romance Is …
But at the end of the day, the cutest couples are made from high school!
PS This is written by a High School-er J
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