3 Things I Wish I Knew When I Was Born

Things I Wish I Knew When I Was Born – Part One
I’m 54 years years young and sometimes I reflect on my life.
What’s done is done and life goes on.
One moment blends and forms your present, to evolve your future.
Thinking I’ve made mistakes is the wrong mindset.
Decisions in life is simply the journey.
Past Decisions
What I might have done differently could help others adopt a different direction.
Allow others to ponder on my life decisions.
If it sounds reasonable, perhaps their life will be enriched.
#1 – Trust … with Caution and Balance
A new-borne hasn’t an option but to trust.

They are helpless when they come into the world.
Even now, my trust in others continues.
I know I trust more than I should and am often let down when that trust fails to return. That’s my own human faith, in others.
Lesson 1
- Develop balance in trusting others and understanding people have their own agendas.
- Often, these agendas will not align with your purpose and aspirations.
- If they don’t, that’s fine to.
- Just be aware to jettison them prior to personal disappointment.
#2 – Relationship Endurance
Nothing in life is permanent.

Isn’t there a far better way to act?
People come into and out of your life, usually for a purpose.
We’re borne being completely consumed with our own needs and nourishment – we’re helpless, after all. That habit continues until adolescent hormones kick in and signal a change of focus.
We’re still habitually self-centred but there’s something else inside us that we unconsciously feel needs changing.
Without giving up some of ourselves to a potential mate, we know things aren’t going to get very far.
Looking back on those early dating and courtship years, I and probably you, realise we went a little overboard in thinking our first, second and third ‘loves’ were going to be our soulmate.
In retrospect, nothing is ever final and neither are relationships.
Lesson 2
- Develop an early understanding of relationship principles.
- It’s more than OK to be incompatible with someone else.
- Find the true meaning of letting go, with a lack of attachment
- I’d suggest a foundational reading of Buddhism would be a great start to an teenager.
- Practise meditation – it’s helped me significantly
- I wish I had.
#3 – The Bucket List
Areas we know we’d love to experience and never do, due to ‘one thing or another’.

I’d be like a lot of people.
There are so many things I’ve always wanted to do and simply never found the time or opportunity to do them.
Later in life, I realised that’s just a blatant excuse to not engage. 54 years is more than enough time to plan, save and do – don’t you think?
Here’s a few examples of what I mean:
1. In my early 30s, I had this thirst to dabble in online trading. It never went very far because I didn’t have a system. Nowadays, I teamed up with a guy I know and I’m off and running. Pursuit and determination win the day.
2. Then there’s my past dabbling in my want to become proficient in meditating. I’ve complained in the past of being unable to ‘stop the talk in my head’ – that’s an excuse. I’m now simply ‘DOING’ – it’s a great thing too.
I stumble, for sure. I’m still a beginner. But you know what? It’s working on bringing me inner peace, even now. So the very act of doing brings receiving and that’s something truly worthy.
Lesson 3
As Yoda once said:
[Tweet “There is no try, only do”]
- It’s not a matter of regret either.
- Think about the new experiences, expanded relationship dynamics and togetherness, not to mention the possibilities and opportunities those experiences will very likely bring to your life.
[Tweet “Just Do It!”]
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- Do you believe in having regrets or prefer to experience and move forward?
- What’s one thing on your own Bucket List?
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