3 Tips to Keep the Glow Even When You Are In Your 50's

3 Tips to Keep the Glow Even When You Are In Your 50's

Is there a way to maintain the youthful ‘glow’ even when you are in your 50’s?

A lot of women, especially those in their early forties are asking this very question.

women over 40 and active life
Over 40 or 50 and wondering about your beauty and lifestyle?

Seriously, is there a way to look young and glowing even when one is nearing the golden age?

The answer is yes!

Below are 3 tips to help every woman, especially those who are in their forties, maintain the youthful glow that makes every woman attractive.


Tip #1 – It’s All About Positive Attitude

Do you know that the best defense against becoming ugly is keeping a positive attitude?

This is true!

Numerous studies on longevity and quality of life suggest that people with positive mental attitude are happier and healthier.

They may not have much in life temporally or economically but they have contentment and peace of mind which allows them to enjoy even the simple things in life.

So if you want to look good and happy, begin to cultivate a positive attitude.

It may take some time but it’s definitely worth doing.

To begin, here are some tips:

  • Begin by trying to smile every day.
  • Smile when you wake up in the morning, smile to those who are around you.
  • Count your blessings and name them one by one.

A grateful heart does so much in cultivating peace of mind.


Tip #2 – Be Wise with Your Diet

Your looks also have a lot to do with what you take inside your body.

changing your over 50s diet
Change your plan and plan for the change

This means your food intake.

As a famous saying goes, you are what you eat.

For a healthier and more beautiful you, begin your love story with fruits and vegetables – that is if you still do not have one with them. Fresh fruits and vegetables are the best foods if you want a healthy glow on your skin and eyes.

Then begin to make an effort to drink plenty of water.  8 glasses of water a day is highly recommended but adding a few glasses more and avoiding sweet and artificial drinks can also go a long way.

Then stay away from fatty foods – they are bad for your heart and bad for your skin too!


Tip #3 – Exercise, Exercise, Exercise!

Dread not the word ‘exercise’!


Because there are many fun ways to exercise or burn calories.

Do you know that trying on clothes while shopping is a simple form of exercise?

Yes it is!

You can actually burn between 150 to 200 calories every time you try on clothes on a 30-minute window shopping spree. Doing regular house cleaning can also be a form of exercise.

For example, moving around your furniture can help you burn calories equivalent to a 30-minute workout in the gym.

The bottom line here is simple: exercise does not only mean hitting the gym or running or jogging. Any form of physical activity is an exercise already.

The key is to do it regularly.

Three (3) easy and simple tips to keep you glowing!

Follow these three and you will not only look good, you will also feel good!


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