5 Ways to Keep the Fire Ignited in Your Relationship

Divorce Is Not An Option!
These days divorce is a pretty common occurrence, maybe even more so than a marriage actually lasting till death do you part.
“Irreconcilable differences” is usually asserted as the underlying reason for divorce, and that largely is because people allow themselves to grow apart.
When my husband and I got married we made a pact: divorce is not an option.
To avoid the growing apart mishap, we’ve started doing a few things to keep the fire alive and burning in our marriage:
Workout Together

There’s something inherently sexy about getting sweaty together.
Feeling annoyed with your spouse?
- Run sprints together.
You’ll be out of breath and riding an endorphin high by the end of it, and you probably will find that you care less about whatever argument was bothering you beforehand. Even if you don’t do the same workout as your spouse, just hit the gym together to break a sweat and get your blood pumping!
You’ll both leave feeling accomplished, and you can enjoy those good mood-enhancing endorphins together.
Knock Something Off Each Of Your Bucket Lists

For my birthday this past year, my husband surprised me by taking me skydiving, something that has long been on my bucket list
… and most definitely not on his.
However, in an effort to share an experience with me he swallowed his fear of jumping out of an airplane and went anyway.
We had a blast!
This selfless act on his part that allowed me to do something I’d always wanted to do made me love him even more.
Make Date Night A Priority

Once a month we go on a date night.
There are a few rules to our date nights: we switch off who picks what we’re doing each month, no cellphones are allowed at the table, and it has to be something we’ve never done before.
This way we get to explore new places in the city we live in, we have an entire night dedicated to just the two of us, and we don’t allow ourselves to be distracted by technology.
It’s so easy to get caught up in everyday life and then wake up one morning and realize that you haven’t had a meaningful conversation with your spouse in weeks; this helps carve out at least one night a month where you do.
Take Weekend Getaways

Togetherness ON!!
Maybe regular vacations aren’t an option.
But even just getting out of town together for a weekend every couple of months is a great way to reconnect with each other and do something fun together.
And marriage should be fun!
Go to a winery, visit a new town, or go to the beach for the weekend; just do something together and savor the time spent with the person who fulfills the role of both lover and best friend in your life.
Hold Hands

We’ve all seen and adored those old couples who are still holding hands, and marveled over how they’ve stayed in love for so long.
One of the reasons?
They’re still touching!
Touch, even in the form of hand-holding or an arm around the shoulders, shows that you’re still interested in your spouse, and gives off an aura of love.
Regularly engaging in these seemingly small embraces can help keep that ember glowing.
Put In The Work
Obviously, divorce is unavoidable in some instances; but not all of them.
Marriage takes a lot of work; however, it should still be a fun adventure that you share with your spouse.
Keep stoking the fire of your marriage to keep it burning.
Over To You
Now that we’ve reached the bottom, here’s what you can do next:
- Which of these do you need to start doing?
- That’s Five. What’s another one you’re doing?
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