And I Need You Now Fantasy

A Fantasy! Do You Want One?

We all have them from time to time.
Our mind wanders in all manner of directions. I’m sure your minds instantly jumped to thinking that I’m talking about a sexual fantasy however for this post, I’m covering romantic fantasy.
Do you have romantic fantasies?
The imagination truly is a wonderful thing.
And sharing these fantasies with your partner can also be hugely rewarding too.
Let me tell you a story of what happened to me yesterday as I was driving along listening to the car radio, as I’d love to hear your opinion as well as any of your own experiences.
First, here’s the tune I was listening too and before I start, I’d like you to check it out from start to finish as it sets the mood and fantasy I’m going to recount to you.

The Cool Romantic Tune
Had a listen?
While it might be a little dangerous to do while driving, I was in a small daydream about half-way through the song.
First, I love the tune anyway, in a very uplifting as well as an inspiring way.
Though it’s weird to admit this – I started visualising myself as well as my wife Pam Allen in the fantasy.
Now I’m a crap singer at the best of times, despite singing in shopping malls to the embarrassment of anyone around me.
What is kind of strange is I started visualising singing to Pam while twirling away together.
Singing to her face to face, we both had those old-style microphones, smiling to each other, still madly in love with each other.

An odd thing for a 52 year old guy to be doing while driving to work, I can hear a few of you saying to yourself as you’re reading this.
To be honest, that’s your issue.
I know at the time, I had one of the biggest smile on my face and was happy as a pig in shit.
What was something different for me though was I came home at the end of the day and proceeded to tell Pam of my driving and singing fantasy.
From memory, that was the first time I’d ever relayed that sort of internal dreaming to anyone and you know what?
It was sort of liberating to do so.
And a very connected experience with the partner of my dreams.

What Was The Learning Here?
All this time I thought I was a romantic type of guy.
Thought is the operative word here though.
That very thought was in my head and I failed to express these things.
So here I am thinking she thought I was romantic and, in fact, she never realised I was because I wasn’t verbalising it to her.
What’s In It For You?
For the Guys: Do you think you’re also romantic with your partner? How do you ensure she realises that you are?
For the Gals: How does your partner express their romantic side, if ever?
If they don’t, should you be the one to bring that side out of them?
And how would you do it?
Speak Your Mind, With Your Opinion
Nice to see you made it this far so here’s what you can do next:
- What’s romance look like to you?
- When have you ever dreamed away about someone you love?
And thanks for reading too – Let us know your thoughts in the comments.