Are Guys Attracted to Physical Beauty?

Just Physical Beauty – Really?
It is the age old question: are guys really attracted to physical beauty?
Do looks matter?

Sadly, yes.
It appears guys do care about things like appearance and physical attraction.
What Guys are Looking For
Many guys openly acknowledge they are being shallow when it comes to appreciating a woman’s looks.
However, that doesn’t deter them from placing a woman’s appearance above other factors.
When finding a suitable mate, both men and women expect their potential partner to have intelligence, a sense of humor and good looks.
Many people claim they don’t necessarily judge a book by its cover.
However, they do expect to find an eye-catching cover with a really great story inside.

Read on for more detail and comment at the end too
While the order of importance may vary from guy to guy, most are looking for some combination of the following:
- Killer eyes that communicate a lot.
- Hair with a pleasing texture that is styled and colored nicely.
- A warm and inviting smile.
- A classy, edgy style coupled with a sexy, confident attitude.
- Plenty of curves in all the right places.
Basically, men expect women to brighten the room just by walking in.
For many women, that seems like a pretty tall order!
What Guys are Saying About Their Mates
Harris Interactive asked married couples how they feel about their spouse’s appearance.
Here are some of the results:
- 40% of participants said their relationship would be better if the other person cared more about his or her appearance.
- 50% of participants said they were less attracted to their spouse when they weren’t taking care of their appearance.
- 58% of men said they’d like their wife to pay more attention to her appearance.
- 57% of men said they felt less turned on when their wife ignored her appearance.
What it All Means
None of this should really come as a surprise to anyone.
Centuries ago, studies revealed that men are turned on by appearance and women are turned on by touch.
Men claim they are first attracted to a woman’s looks.
However, as time passes, men age, and relationships grow, feelings change.
Most older men say the importance of looks eventually diminishes and a woman’s personality is what keeps a man happy and attracted.
While the need for physical attraction may fade, where does that leave men and women who are just starting a relationship?
Can men see past a woman’s looks?
Do men ever form relationships with women they aren’t physically attracted to?
Let us know what you think.
We want to hear from both sides of the coin.
Speak Your Mind, With Your Opinion
Nice to see you made it this far so here’s what you can do next:
- Men – how important is appearance to you?
- Women – how importance is appearance to you?
- How do you feel about men checking you out?
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And thanks for reading too – Let us know your thoughts in the comments.