Baby Seagulls and The G-Spot

Is the Female G-Spot Really Unknown?
The G-spot and Seagulls? Huh? Oh, right, you’re going to give us an analogy … carry on then …
I’ve asked many people and often wonder when I’m looking out across Moreton Bay and the small beach which is across the road from where we live, ‘How come I never seem to see any baby seagulls?’.
I mean, seagulls all appear to be the same size but I know babies of anything on this planet come in a small variety, at some point.

It’s a total mystery. This brings me to the G-Spot.
Like baby seagulls, the G-Spot can be particularly difficult to find, for a lot of guys.
My Secret Admission: I’ll let you in on a secret of mine too. Up until my divorce and then doing my initial ‘how to make women happy’ research, I didn’t know the god-damn G-Thing existed either. And I’d bet you my first wife didn’t know she had one.
That’s why it’s vitally important to spread the word about this pleasure zone – pleasure is a good thing.
And some blokes I’ve spoken to think this ‘g spot thing’ is just a myth and have absolutely no idea this bit of information will allow them to experience a better sexual relationship – as well as allow multiple orgasms for their woman.
Men can have multiple orgasms as well, in case you weren’t aware. And men also have their own G-Spot.
I suppose the male bravado kicks in here where they say there’s no need for them to find any additional ways for them to pleasure a woman since they’re the ultimate lovemaking machine.
You might be surprised by some statistics from a survey of 2000 women by the University of Kansas in 2009.
- 33% under 25 can’t find their own G-Spot
- 90% said their orgasm problems are psychological in nature
- 100% who can’t identify their G-Spot rarely have orgasms
- 92% would like to be shown how to properly exercise their pelvic floor
- 100% with a ‘good’ pelvic floor have twice as many orgasms.
- 10 – 15% have never experienced an orgasm
- 67% fake orgasms
Now that’s some extraordinary and staggering statistics.

The Bottom Line on That G-Spot Thing
The bottom line here, guys, is there’s an awfully high number of females out there failing to experience the joy of what’s rightfully theirs – the basic human orgasm. And there’s a lot of connection between the mysterious G-Spot and for them being unable to orgasm.
So, male followers of the Geek and Jock site, it’s up to you to help your lady partners get what’s theirs, OK?
So first off, that 90% of women saying their orgasm issues are in their head – given the wide number of variables relating to human anatomy, there are probably significant numbers of women who’ll physically be unable to achieve an orgasm via intercourse – and that’s just fine.
As their partner, reassurance is key as well as ensuring their reach orgasm some other way, and often, those other ways are the most intense too.
Instead of reinventing the wheel, here’s a great YouTube video to help you guys better understand where that pesky G-Spot is hiding.
And for those who are video challenged or would simply prefer the quick and dirty instructions, here it is as well.

So what’s left?
Practice and more practice with the end result that your lady partner will enjoy mindblowing orgasms – that’s a pretty fantastic goal, don’t you think?
So please do let us know your thoughts in the comments area below.
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