Creative Kinky Bedroom Ideas on a Budget

Kinky Isn’t Dirty – It’s Healthy!

I believe you should always have fun in the bedroom whether you have just started dating or you’ve been at it for 50 years with the same person.
People take sex too seriously.
Real play involves laughter as well as moans, it should be fun.
We’ve all been there though – we have a great creative fantasy we want to play out, so we go to the sex shop to buy everything that we need to make this amazing fantasy come to life.
The dildo the cuffs, the plug, the lube, the condoms, and whatever else grabs your attention and you go to the checkout. Suddenly it’s going to cost you upwards of $200 (toys aren’t cheap these days).
If you’re playing out a fantasy that is a lot of money for something you may only use a few times.
So what are the alternatives?
Well, running a site which specialises in adult discounts I would be a little biased and say to look for codes whenever you’re buying toys online.
There are plenty of things you can do on a budget and still explore all your wildest fantasies.
You Can Make Your Own
While there are kits where you can make your own dildo moulds (from your partner’s member), that isn’t what I’m referring to.
If you look around you’ll see plenty of phallic objects around.
As long as you’re safe and careful many of these can make a great alternative to expensive dildos.
The key is to make sure you use a condom with anything you insert, and to always make sure you can get it out when you’re done!
Use a little common sense (and good lube) with this one, but next time you’re doing your food shopping keep an eye for for something just the right size and you may be surprised.
It also adds an extra little kinky twist to the whole event. I’ve found that anything standard cucumber sized is about the right size and strong enough to be used. The classic banana is also great with a condom on.
Personally I’m not a fan of watching myself but I know that there are plenty of people who love it.
Remember just because other people enjoy it doesn’t mean you need to feel compelled to do it too.

Whatever you enjoy or don’t enjoy together is perfectly fine as long as there is a balance.
Make Your Own Porn
With nearly every laptop having a webcam and nearly every phone having a camera built in you can easily film your own adventures and keep them private.
Just be sure to agree before hand whether you are keeping them or deleting them, and if you’re deleting them make sure you empty the recycle bin!
You don’t even need to edit the video’s or pictures.
Just load them up or play them back and delete them when you’re done.
If you’re feeling a little more daring then hook it up to your TV and play it while you play in real life.
This one isn’t for everyone, but as the technology because easier to get hold of, it is certainly something we can all try a lot more easily than a few years ago.
Get Creative with your 50 Shades.
Not everything to do with bondage needs to be branded and come from a sex shop.
People in the BDSM figured this out a while ago.
Climbing stores and hardware stores hold plenty of treats at much lower prices. You can get rope (hemp rope is nicest), just be sure to make sure it is soft on your skin.
You can get garden canes for spanking.
Want to be spanked by a kinky riding crop – your best bet is an equestrian store (a sudden moment of “OH YEAH!”) all these objects can be found elsewhere and for a lot cheaper than the sex shop versions.
You can even use regular old scarves for softer BDSM and blindfolds. You can get really creative with these, remember a lot of BDSM is in the mind. I know when I get my stuff the first stop is usually the horse type shops.
They are cheap, fun and although you feel a little naughty knowing your not getting it for its intended purpose it just adds to the fun and naughtiness of it all.
Make Sure Talk to each other
This one is simple, talk through your fantasies, get vocal in bed. It’s about healthy relationship communication.
Sometimes just talking through a fantasy while you’re having sex can be amazingly hot.
Remember you can talk through your wildest fantasies but it doesn’t mean you need to play them out. Seriously, talking about stuff is the best way to discuss any fantasy and slowly bring it into the bedroom.
Everything has to start with talking, you never want to spring it out of nowhere without discussing it first.
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- How creative are you willing to be?
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