Express Love - The 2 Things You Need To Know

Express Love - The 2 Things You Need To Know

Express Love – Do You Do It?

While it’s fantastic to be head over heels in a love relationship with someone or love a good friend for who they are, wouldn’t you agree it’s equally important to learn how best to express your love?

While my last article of ‘What Is Love’ was about the ingredients of what made up ‘love’, it’s vitally important we also take action and express and show our love for that other special person.

Winston Churchill  …  We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give

express your love
How do you express your love – or do you?

The wholeness of life is the expression of love, and actions and interactions we thread through our own life.

Oft times we internally use that old excuse of ‘Oh dear, I meant to do that but ran out of time’.

Sure, we all only have 24 hours in the day.

Knowing love makes up one of the most vital aspects in any relationship, shouldn’t we also get our head around having a specific strategy in how best to express your love to those we, ourselves, love?


Be Stingy

One way to look at a strategy is to decide who you need to be a little more stingy with your bucket of love expression.

You can still love an endless number of people.

It’s more around the distinction between the feeling and the expression of love.


What’s To Do Next Though?

My handy Mac Dictionary defines ‘attention’ as ‘the action of dealing with or taking special care of someone or something.

And the expression of love is exactly that – paying attention to someone with your attention, time, and focus.

Certainly, how you express love to someone entirely depends on the type of relationship you have too.

Bearing that in mind, think of the easy way in paying attention by using your five senses.


The Five Senses

Examples might include:

  • Use those ears to listen.
    • Be completely present with the other person.
  • Give a hug with that magical sense of touch.
    • Hold a hand, caress, or sexual expression
  • Taste or smell – hmm, I’ll let you figure out some interesting areas for those ☺
  • Eyes – undivided attention with watching another


Speak Your Mind, With Your Opinion

Nice to see you made it to the end of the post. Here’s what you can do next:

  • How do you express love?
  • Does your partner need help to express love to you?
  • Click one of the Share buttons – your friends can then enjoy this article too.

And thanks for reading too – Let us know your thoughts in the comments.