Have Healthy Relationships

Building healthy relationships, with those you love, can be both challenging as well as totally rewarding and fulfilling.
Signs of Healthy Relationships
Is fighting healthy in a relationship
You know you are on a good thing when you’re arguing as well as having a good time.
[Video – The Inner Workout™ is a simple exercise to inspire healthy communication]
Yep, one of the best relationship tips I know of is being able to argue / debate with your partner and come away from it feeling good.
And having the ability to remove any hint of animosity towards them – after all, you both need to be able to freely express yourselves.

Romantic healthy relationships
Ahhh … Romance.
The guys need to come out of the closet here and admit that romance really is healthy and that they like it too.
Given men and women are different creatures means our view of romance is also slightly different as well.
Guys need to also be mindful they separate romance and sex since the lines get blurred by many of us when it comes to thinking about closeness.
Romance is around connection, loving, and feeling. We’ll talk about a healthy sexual relationship shortly so stay tuned.
Imagine you’re walking along the beach, hand in hand, with your loved one.
We’ve got piles of romantic areas you can weave into everyday situations.
- Holding hands
- Loving and positive thoughts about your significant other
- Closeness without words
- Warm touches
- Hugs and light kisses
- Just the 2 of you without disturbances
- A carefree conversation about the two of you
- Watching each other without sexual lust in your thoughts
What are you doing with your partner when it comes to romance?
Is there anything else here you can add?

A sexual healthy relationship
I believe humans and dolphins are the only animals that engage in sexual relations for pleasure.
It’s a foundational cornerstone of who we are, how we behave, and often, why we behave the way we do in certain situations.
The blissful pleasure with a person we care deeply for is one of life’s ultimate experiences.
So why do many people carry around shame, guilt, apprehension, and embarrassment?
I’d suggest it’s both historical as well as social.
Historic experiences often lead to behavioral patterns. When those past sexual dalliances were less than stellar, it’s likely to adversely affect your future experiences.
You cannot get what you’ve never had unless you’re willing to do what you’ve never done!
So it’s time to rethink and take stock of what it is you want when it comes to ultimate pleasure.
What’s has gone wrong with your past sex life and dating experiences?
What do you want more of?
What do you want to try that’s different?
Shake up your ‘normal’ and, potentially, routine experiences with variety.
Strive for a more unashamed healthy sexual relationship you can smile at, with your partner.

The healthy relationships communication
Above all, these foundations are built upon one solid pillar which is talking honestly to and with each other.
If you’re unable to honestly communicate with your best friend, your lover, the soulmate you hold dearest to your heart, then you’re kidding yourself about reaching utopia – that perfect solid healthy relationship.
Do check out my post When Trust Becomes the Glue for Love and you’ll get the idea that open conversation revolves around trust – have you got that sorted?
Every relationship is different. Healthy will mean many things, depending on the people involved.
Fundamentally, it’s vital to talk to each other and discover what ‘a healthy relationship’ means to you – once you know, you know what you’re aiming for.
Speak Your Mind, With Your Opinion
Nice to see you made it to the end of the post. Here’s what you can do next:
- What’s one thing you do to maintain your relationship health?
And thanks for reading too – Let us know your thoughts in the comments.