How Best To Reconnect With Your Ex Girlfriend

Reconnecting With Your Ex Girlfriend
Many people believe that love is the only thing of any real value in this world.

We see it on the big screen; we hear it in our favourite songs.
- Love is timeless.
- Love is all you need.
Some would debate that premise with the rebuttal of needing food a hell of a lot more than food.
And yet, what’s a loveless life, but eating til one day you keel over and die.
Franklin P. Jones … Love doesn’t make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.
But as we all learn, sometimes that road gets rocky.
- There are speed bumps
- Erratic wildlife
And we all have a blasted blind spot. Suffice it to say, one day you may become separated from your lover.
You find yourself asking:
This Might Be Me :) … How can I get my ex girlfriend back?
So What Can You Do About It?
If you are positive about wanting your ex back, because lets face it, not all relationships are built to last, measures must be taken to regain that lost love.
You may think it best to just be yourself and go with your gut instinct.
But the truth is in the midst of loss, you are not yourself and your logic is running amok.
Following a break up, what you should really be doing is cutting off all forms of communication with your ex.
Relationship experts will call this the no contact rule.
There are numerous reasons behind this, but the most important may be that you are not in the right mindset to be talking to your ex girlfriend.
As they say, “you need to check yourself before you wreck yourself.”
Do You Need Rehab?
This no contact period, which lasts a recommended 30 days, is something of a rehab for you.
Except that the rehabilitation process isn’t chemical, but rather emotional.
A relationship can be all consuming and when you’re drowning in a body of conflict, both of you could do with a breather.
However, rather than a stagnant period of thumb twiddling, this time will be a proactive recuperation in preparation for a future reunion.
Learn From The Previous Journey

In the beginning of the relationship you wanted to be the best man for this woman, beating out the competition.
Somewhere along the way you try a little less, it happens to the best of us.
Simplistically speaking, we want to bring back some of that zeal.
Don’t succumb to the emotional straitjacket and deny yourself support from family and friends.
Socialising is an essential tool in building the confidence you will need for the task at hand: Getting your ex girlfriend back.
The Better Next Steps
- Maintain a healthy lifestyle
- Work on strengthening friendships
- Learn a new skill
- Make new friends
- Build confidence
- Work on breaking any poor behavioural habits that led to your relationship’s demise.
This period of no contact is to be filled with loads of life-giving activity to get you in your prime mentality to re-attract your ex girlfriend.
When the time comes to reconnect with your ex girlfriend, ideally, she’ll be the one to initiate contact.
You should have a game plan for your next move. You don’t want to wing matters of the heart.
Speak Your Mind, With Your Opinion
Nice to see you made it this far so here’s what you can do next:
- Have you ever ‘winged’ it? How did it turn out?
- What’s one other thing you think can reconnect you with an ‘ex’?
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