I Was Fooled by Pam Allen & Jeff Brown ( Soulshaping Institute )

play at: pretend to be, give the appearance of, assume/affect the role of, pass oneself off as, masquerade as, profess to be, pose as, impersonate, make out, fake, feign, simulate, affect, go through the motions of; N. Amer. informal make like.
Pamela Allen & Jeff ‘Soulshaping’ Brown deserve each other!
I was forcibly told to ‘just get out’ by the person I thought was the ‘The Soulmate of My Life’.
Days after, I packed up the majority of my stuff and left a relationship I tried so desperately to make work.
What I didn’t count on was one of my hard drives was also previously used as Pam’s backup Time Machine hard drive.
So just a few short months after we were married, Pam Allen (or Pam Papier, Pamela Williams, Pamela Lakey, Pam Cooney, or whoever is next on the list) has continued a conversation with Jeff Brown who is supposed to be a spiritual guru.
When I say ‘spiritual’, I mean chatting with Pamela going to Canada to have her ‘vaginal juices licked out’ by him, for days.
That’s really putting your heart and soul into making marriage and relationships work out.
Hindsight Facts
Before you head into what looks to me (and everyone I’ve shown) as a flagrant disregard for marriage albeit more-so flirtatious manipulation, keep in mind the following:
- Pam mentioned to her son, Nicholas Allen, and myself (about 6 months ago) that she was initially attracted to me, primarily as I was the CEO of a business.
Click for Larger View - After thoroughly studying my Facebook profile when we first met, online.
- I was always under the impression it was a personal attraction.
- No wonder Pam never wanted to talk about our initial mutual attractions.
- That business was a start-up called Cashflow Community Debit Card.
- It ‘had the potential’ for enormous returns and wealth.
- Cashflow Community failed in the last days of December 2009.
- The stomach-churning BS you are about to read, between Pam Allen and Jeff Brown, started on December 25, 2009 – Merry Christmas, huh?
- We were only married in November 2009
- And in the last days of this marriage, Pam confided in her cousin, Maureen from Sydney, that the relationship started with a lie.
- Well, there’s a big Hello moment, for everybody. The start-up business didn’t go according to plan?
Go read and line up the dates for yourself.
- Jeffrey Brown: 11:51:56
- kisses to your belly
- Pam: 11:51:58
- When I arrive in Canada hahah
- Jeffrey Brown: 11:50:12
- i still owe you a weekend shag
- Pam: 11:50:31
- hehehe not now
- Not a word about wanting to work anything out
- Or making a home with me and moving forward.
- Tease yet another guy in getting to another country.
This made me sick to the stomach, in seeing you flirting your tits off on the Internet.
- Perhaps Canadian citizenship might have been an easier option in getting out of South Africa?
- Was Jeff Brown more cashed up?
- And you pretend as being a spiritual person?
- At peace with the world?
- In 4 years, you made no effort in trying to make our marriage work?
- I see why now.
What follows leads me to believe she was simply in our relationship for other benefits such as Australian Citizenship and I’d be eventually dumped, at some point in the future.
You are your own judge as to whether she’s the sweet and spiritually kind and lovely woman that she portrays to everyone. Make a comment at the very end, if you wish.
I was the 4th husband, in her string of short and failed marriages. A pattern?
What a Lying Sack Of BS She Has Been
Chat History with Jeffrey Brown ( Soulshaping Institute )
Created on 2010-05-06 01:27:27.
- Pam: 17:03:17
- Loved watching your videos:)
- Jeffrey Brown: 00:39:12
- loved your new profile pics
- Jeffrey Brown: 15:38:36
- Blessings…
- Pam: 19:22:59
- Same to you
- Pam: 19:23:06
- many blessings
- Jeffrey Brown: 19:24:56
- how are you baby?
- Pam: 08:25:01
- Pam: 08:59:20
- Hope you had a good Christmas and New Year
- Jeffrey Brown: 09:00:15
- i am fine honey.. i had a quiet new year… just writing and bathing… how are you?
- Pam: 09:00:49
- Same here its been fairly quiet
- Pam: 09:01:03
- What is the time over there
- Jeffrey Brown: 09:01:12
- its 6 p.m.
- Jeffrey Brown: 09:01:14
- where are you?
- Pam: 09:01:40
- In Australia its 9am here
- Jeffrey Brown: 09:02:13
- i know things have radically changed in your life. the dude looks happy with it in the pics i saw, but i wasn’t sure about you. how is it really going for you?
- Pam: 09:03:33
- Jeffrey Brown: 09:03:51
- i understand, some pics you looked happy, others you looked uncertain.
- Jeffrey Brown: 09:04:02
- yes lets talk more deeply when you get some space
- Pam: 09:04:09
- :)))
- Pam: 09:04:32
- Yeah would love to
- Jeffrey Brown: 09:04:51
- okay… i respect your situation, but seeing your sweet body is surely missed
- Pam: 09:05:25
- Jeffrey Brown: 09:05:31
- have a good day…
- Pam: 09:05:46
- Yeah have a good evening Till later
- Jeffrey Brown: 09:05:49
- hugs
- Pam: 09:05:55
- xx
- Jeffrey Brown: 09:05:58
- oo
- Jeffrey Brown: 11:40:37
- hi Pam..
- Pam: 11:43:31
- hello Jeff, how r u doing
- Jeffrey Brown: 11:44:10
- good hon.. how is your beautifulness?
- Pam: 11:45:24
- yeah I’m okay, ups and downs, but plodding along. Feeling good today
- Jeffrey Brown: 11:45:42
- what kind of downs?
- Pam: 11:46:44
- Well been going through some hormonal changes, but seen a Dr last week. So it seems to be okay now
- Jeffrey Brown: 11:47:11
- oh okay.. and hows the dude and you doing? hows your new life?
- Pam: 11:49:09
- its taking time getting to know each other, but chatting about things that need to be resolved which is a good thing
- Jeffrey Brown: 11:49:33
- You got married, before you got to know one another in real time
- Pam: 11:49:38
- Can I come to Canada lol
- Jeffrey Brown: 11:49:48
- sure.. we would have fun
- Jeffrey Brown: 11:49:56
- you are triggering each other?
- Jeffrey Brown: 11:50:12
- i still owe you a weekend shag
- Pam: 11:50:31
- hehehe not now
- Jeffrey Brown: 11:50:46
- darn… i remember
- Pam: 11:51:34
- Cool, will yap later.
- Jeffrey Brown: 11:51:42
- okay hon.. stay perfect
- Jeffrey Brown: 11:51:56
- kisses to your belly
- Pam: 11:51:58
- When I arrive in Canada hahah
- Jeffrey Brown: 11:52:10
- yes, i will tie you down and eat you for days
- Pam: 11:53:08
- Whats happened about John Warwick, have u added him
- Pam: 11:53:35
- He really could learn so much from you
- Jeffrey Brown: 11:53:38
- i just did..
- Jeffrey Brown: 11:53:44
- cool. do you know him personally?
- Pam: 11:53:55
- You are a darling
- Jeffrey Brown: 11:54:03
- you are a tasty goddess
- Pam: 11:54:20
- No I dont, just from facebook, seems like a lost soul
- Jeffrey Brown: 11:54:25
- oh..
- Jeffrey Brown: 11:54:31
- back to your tastiness..
- Jeffrey Brown: 11:54:44
- we should have met in london before you hooked up
- Pam: 11:55:16
- Not to be discussed at the moment. not the right time
- Jeffrey Brown: 11:55:22
- got it..
- Jeffrey Brown: 11:55:33
- when are you seeing the doctor?
- Pam: 11:55:45
- Need to have a proper talk with u sometime
- Jeffrey Brown: 11:56:23
- okay, we can pre-book the talk time on facebook
- Pam: 11:56:24
- will email u when convenient
- Jeffrey Brown: 11:56:46
- okay hon.. stay well, stay perfect, stay Goddess. kisses to your..
- Pam: 11:57:20
- Thank you Jeffikins, much love to ya always
- Jeffrey Brown: 11:57:28
- you too.. one day…
- Pam: 11:57:37
- No doubt
- Jeffrey Brown: 11:57:41
- yum
- Pam: 11:57:44
- Bye for now
- Jeffrey Brown: 11:57:46
- have a nice day..
- Pam: 11:57:55
- you too:))x
- Jeffrey Brown: 11:58:05
- oxxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
The Writing and Deception On The Wall
I sat there in utter bewilderment when I saw that conversation.
And then I cried, for a few hours.
- Pam was instantly scouting around for someone else, once the Cashflow Community project (and it’s promises for great wealth) ran aground.
- No pushback by Pam on any of Jeff Brown’s disgusting Skype advances.
- Quite the opposite
- Angling multiple times for the Canadian invitation which could see her vacate Australia for yet another ‘relationship’.
It’s now abundantly clear, to me, that she dropped our relationship like a hot potato, only after a few months of marriage. All the while weighing up her options on the best time and opportunity to get out and into another feathered nest.
Last Word For Us To Live By, From Soulshaping Jeff Brown Himself
Jeff Brown himself – December 13, 2013 … You don’t measure love in time. You measure love in transformation. Sometimes the longest connections yield very little growth, while the briefest of encounters change everything. The heart doesn’t wear a watch- it’s timeless. It doesn’t care how long you know someone. It doesn’t care if you had a 40 year anniversary if there is no juice in the connection. What the heart cares about is resonance. Resonance that opens it, resonance that enlivens it, resonance that calls it home. And when it finds it, the transformation begins…
Mr. Soulshaping Jeff Brown: Pity you don’t really appear to practice what you preach. The majority of your ‘followers’ are women who hold you in high esteem which itself is out of balance and could make them targets for sexual advances.
You and Pam would actually have made the perfect couple.
* Is it any wonder that Karma and Cancer finally caught up with Pam, given the complete disdain and contempt that she really has for people?
Addendum: January 5th, 2014
An Open Email From Jeff Brown so I’ll Reply Here For My WebHost’s Sake
Thank you Jeff for your open (without caveat or disclosure) email which is included below, for transparency.
In answer to your email:
Stolen Hard Drive?
- I own the hard drive, in question, which was purchased by me on my credit card along with other computer equipment, in Oct 2009 and it was last connected and discarded on a shelf in May 2012
- As for an alleged conversation, I’ll openly make the appropriate data available for any mutually agreed independent forensic analysis, to determine just how alleged the conversations were.
- Please do the research yourself on Australian Law and matrimonial property
- Since leaving the relationship 2 months ago, no formal or informal requests for the return of any property have been made to me, apart from an ADSL Router which I left with Pam to lessen any inconvenience to her
Ridiculous In This Effort?
- Thank you for your quick, denigrating, and insensitive analysis
- I would have thought your Soulshaping background would have been able to come up with something better
- That said, the main reason for this purging was to rid my mind of an event/s that had made me sick to my stomach and emotional wellbeing.
- And this magical dialogue/s significantly contributed, in my opinion, to undermine a relationship that was never allowed to begin and blossom, as I had hoped it would.
Pam and I Were Friends Long Before You
- Goodie for you, mate
- I was always under the impression your previous behaviours should change, once one of your female ‘friends’ got into a serious relationship and marriage?
Virtually No Contact Since
- Virtually? :)
She Has Never Behaved Inappropriately
- Well please do pardon another opinion of mine but I think we must have different views on the meaning of what ‘behaving appropriately’ is.
Again, you have my open offer to forensically analyze the data for truth, of what you label an alleged conversation.
Now that I have mentally purged this onerous and distasteful part of history, I can get on with rebuilding my life and will be centering myself there.
All the best with your new movie Karmageddon too
Kindest Regards
Martin Cooney
On 4 Jan 2014, at 9:13 am, Jeff Brown <soulshaping@hotmail.com> wrote:
Martin, I have been informed of your blog reporting an alleged conversation with Pam some years ago. I am sorry that she has disconnected with you and do not know the context for anything that has happened between you, but it is illegal for you to represent another person’s words without their permission, and particularly so from a stolen hard drive. Your web service provider has been informed, police are about to be informed, and it is ridiculous that you resort to this nonsense in an effort to strike back at her for whatever has happened between you. Your wife and I were friends long before you, and have had virtually no contact since. She has never behaved inappropriately. Jeff