Is Your Husband Cheating on You?- What You Can Do About It

Marriage Isn’t Always Sacred, Is It?
Marriage is a sacred union that involves two people.
Although there are various beliefs and religions behind every marriage around the world, commitment and loyalty are included in each one.
For this reason, when either one of the partners becomes unfaithful, it can lead to devastating effects on the marriage, causing mistrust which will eventually lead to separation.
According to statistics, around 50% of married couples end up getting divorced, and much more deal with the devastating aftermath of marital infidelity.
The signs of extramarital affairs are not always as obvious as finding lipstick stains on your spouse’s shirt or smelling another woman’s perfume; however, if you are willing to look closely, you will be able to recognize some red flags.
So how can to tell whether you are simply being a paranoid wife, or if your husband is actually having an affair?

Signs That Your Husband Is Cheating On You
If you suspect that your husband is having an affair, you might want to consider some of these signs of infidelity.
You must remember though, that even if your husband exhibits any of these signs, it might not necessarily mean that he is having an affair.
The truth is, there is no way to know for sure whether a person is cheating; but whatever the case, these signs are still not good for your marriage.
Emotionally And Physically Distant
The number-one sign of infidelity is if your husband has become emotionally distant or he has no physical desire towards you.
If this is an abrupt or sudden behavior, it could mean that your husband is having a physical or emotional affair with another person. This is because any person will find it tough to be emotionally invested in two individuals at the same time.
In addition, an individual will also find it hard to become physically or emotionally intimate with his or her partner while betraying his or her trust.
If your husband starts to avoid being alone with you or doesn’t invest some effort and time to have one-on-one time with you, it might be because he is growing closer to another person.
He could be distancing himself from you so that he can invest his feelings in another person without feeling guilty.
Deception And Unaccountability
Another possible sign that he is cheating on you is when he keeps covering up where he goes.

Your husband might lie about what he is doing, where he is, or who he spends time with.
Lying about going to “client dinners”, or late business meetings, or going on a business trip is a red flag that must not be ignored.
Another sign you need to watch out for is if his mobile phone is turned off during the times you usually can contact him. If your husband is frequently out of reach, it may be because he is with someone else.
Deception and covering up his affair can lead to feelings of betrayal and mistrust.

Guilt-Ridden Behavior
The signs mentioned previously are all very negative and emotionally draining; however, there are also signs that are less obvious.
For instance, your husband may suddenly become really sweet with you, such as giving you gifts for no apparent reason, constantly complimenting you, or helping around the house more.
These signs may not mean that he has become a sweet husband. It may actually be an indication of guilty behavior.
When a husband feels guilty, he may grow to be strangely affectionate as a way to mask his extramarital affair or relieve his guilty conscience.
The Signs Are There But What Can You Do?
The signs are manifesting as clear as day, but what can you do?
You might feel hurt, angry, and betrayed, but you are unsure of how you must proceed.
Almost every woman’s impulse is to confront their husband about it; however, this is not a wise thing to do.
You must avoid making accusations without having any concrete evidence.
For one, you must have tangible evidence of infidelities, such as a picture, a text, or an email.
It is vital to have proof since without one, you might end up looking like a distrusting and paranoid wife.
In addition, you must also be prepared for your husband’s reaction. He may get defensive and angry, but if you have proof, you must stand your ground and be firm.
If you do not have any proof that your husband is cheating, even when he is exhibiting any of the signs mentioned above, it is still advisable to take action.
You have to talk to your partner about your marriage problems and what it is doing to you. You and your husband can consider marriage counseling to help you save your marriage.
The signs may not be a sure way to determine infidelity, but experiencing them in your marriage is still not a good indication.
Speak Your Mind, With Your Opinion
Nice to see you made it to the end of the post. Here’s what you can do next:
- Do you think you can cope with a cheating husband?
- What’s one thing to stop cheating in the first place?
And thanks for reading too – Let us know your thoughts in the comments.