Love Is In The Air

Love is in the air
It’s the best form of substance abuse known to man.
One of our members, Tiffany, recently posted a link to an article posing two questions.
- How do I find love?
- How do I get the love back?
And with my recent history, I sarcastically replied ‘What if you don’t want it back?’
Well, in fact, I do want it back.
But with the right person.
Is Love Really Worth The Effort?
Let me tell you a little story first, for some context.
Between my first 26 year marriage and my failed second marriage, I used Facebook as the means to meet interesting women.
And surprisingly a lot of these ladies had already been through failed relationships.
An often asked question these ladies asked of me was ‘Is it really worth the effort?’
My answer (and belief) then, is still the same as it is now.
Finding love is most certainly worth going through the pain and anguish of preceding failures.
It’s because of these life lessons that we all learn and, indeed, need to learn and we can equip ourselves with the knowledge to gain success, in finding that special person.
The one you are able to love unreservedly and the person who will return that love, in kind.

Love Is Always In The Air
Take four minutes out of your life right now and play the video below.
Listen carefully to the words as well.
In my view, love permeates the very fabric of our lives.
I remember the strong emotional feelings I had for my second wife when we met for the first time in Bali, face-to-face.
For me anyway, this indescribable joy that filled my heart was a feeling I certainly was intoxicated by.
True Love:
- Chemically, endorphins such as Oxytocin and Vasopressin are released which helps bond the romantic & long-term monogamous relationship.
- It’s the most magical and beautiful form of substance abuse you’ll ever be involved in :)
- It has you yearning for the touch and closeness of your partner.
- You’re committed to overcoming the natural obstacles that every relationship has, through effort and persistence.
- A plant withers and dies without attention and nourishment.
- Two individuals working as one team towards goals of mutual (and personal) improvement, transparency & truth, and relationship harmony. Not an easy task without complete buy-in and commitment from both.
- And most importantly, walking each other’s journey, side-by-side.
- No ownership
- No manipulations
- Just truth and honesty to see your lover succeed – from this, you will too
It’s a Drug To Strive For
True love is a drug that humans were born from and that propels us towards obtaining again, till we get it.
For anyone sitting there reading this in the midst of pain or anguish from a failed relationship, I want to tell you that you, obviously, need to move past those negative feelings, as a first step.
Watch and listen to that video one more time and, again, set yourself on a path to find that very special person to fulfill your heart.
Maybe I’m just being foolish, as the song says.
In my opinion, it is worth it.
Do you?