My Life Pivot and Why This Motivational Video Will Get You There Too

My Life Pivot and Why This Motivational Video Will Get You There Too

Your Life And My Life

Change your life to something different and better
Change your life to something different and better

Here’s why I moved to live in Bangkok, Thailand:

We were put on this Earth to make a difference and to improve our lives and those of others.

If that was never our goal, what really is the point?

Is your focus on improvement, of yourself, the community and your loved one?

I personally believe it is.

But Life has a tendency of serving us up a shit sandwich when we least expect it.
And through my life (as well as recently), I’ve had to chow down on that buffet, on more than a few occasions.

But you can’t give up and neither am I. I set myself on a path of finding my own rediscovery.

I am personally motivated by others and I would like you to first listen to the haunting music from Cloud Atlas, which has the undeniable flow of taking you from a low point and raising you to the level of hope (4:10) so just listen.


Suck It Up and Make a Change

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I know this to be true, always (and without question) – even if you don’t see it.

In my own life as well as seeing it being played out in the lives and actions of friends and family.

I HAD to change it up, take a different path that made sense and move forward in my life.




The Video That Made My Life Do The Pivot


– 0:23 It’s Hard Changing Your Life.

I had a significant amount of emotional investment, in what I would call ‘my previous life’. I was attempting to manifest dreams that were always doomed to fail.

It happens and that was my own shit sandwich I eventually swallowed.

That was the first hurdle I needed to overcome.

When you invest so much of yourself into what you believe is your true path and that path fails, then yes, it is going to be a huge challenge to change.

When you come to the realisation that that previous life is never going to amount to anything and that it’s over, you are finally aware that change in your life simply HAS to happen.

Your comfortable life is never going anywhere.

That’s the point you must reach to make the decisive change.

For me, my goals are probably very similar to yours.

I simply want to have happiness and joy as well as finding someone that I can love without question and that someone loving me the same.

With those foundational building blocks, life only gets better and better.

So eventually I knew that something had to shift.

change and pivot your life for more happiness and dreams
Change and pivot your life for more happiness and dreams


– 0:39 There Are Moments When You’re Gonna Doubt Yourself.

Repeat After Me:
“I have within me all that I need to succeed with my dreams”

We all do.

It is the negative thoughts and actions of others, towards you, that gives us doubt and fear.

We all have times in our life when we become unsure of ourselves and our abilities. We’ve lost the faith, through no fault of our own.

I’ve had these growing doubts of myself for the last four years (and never before) but that’s been enough to question myself and my motives.

Thankfully I’ve had enormous help from real friends and have been given opportunities that I have actually seen as opportunities as opposed to doubt and fear.

I am now reclaiming my own confidence in my ability, to move forward.

Thing is, doubt in yourself is misplaced.

You are as good as anyone else and never let someone but try your own trust.


– 1:54 Most People Don’t Work On Their Dreams Because Of Fear

What I have found is that most people don’t work on anything much at all.

The majority of people say they have dreams but it’s all just rhetoric and BS.

They talk the talk but never walk the walk.

They say they are working towards a dream that never do. For most I know, dreams are just a thin facade.

They’re debilitated by fear and the lack of wanting to work with others to reach even their first ‘dream milestone’.

And as I said before, fear comes from others, not from you.

Fear is a product of your own environment and from those we surround ourselves with.

If you surround yourself with people without fear, you wouldn’t have fear yourself.

It would be a foreign emotion to you.

So I would ask you this question.
“Can you pretend to have no fear, crystallise what your dreams actually are and work on them?”

In life, anything is actually possible, if you believe in yourself.

Decide and go and get that dream!
Decide and go and get that dream!


– 2:56 I Challenge You To Define Your Value.

Since joining the XL Foundation Entrepreneurial group, eight years ago, I have always known my value and my purpose.

It’s one thing to know your value but it’s an entirely different thing to verbalise your true self, in words.

Please refer to my own life values post to give you a concept of how I defined mine.

It is a fascinating exercise and one you need to invest in so that you are able to better understand the path you need to take and to realise you’re true dream/s and how to get there.

Like in the video, you need to take this challenge yourself and make it the first step towards your new reality.


– 5:33 Don’t Let Anybody Steal Your Dream!

Greed, Deception, Jealousy And Agendas.

The unfortunate part of life is that the Universe hinges on balance.

Your dreams and aspirations represent positive life force so the balance is there are going to be people that cross your path that simply don’t want you to get happiness and fulfilment.


Look at them as tests, learnings and lessons.

Take on board the negative aspects in humanity and flourish within the positives.

Be discerning and aware of these elements.

Sabotage will come from many who are unconsciously envious of your gift to succeed.

Jealousy in these people are the roadblocks you need to be aware of. I’ve lived through this many times as have many of my true friends as well. Keep in mind that the Universe is about balance and you are the positive.

Discover and rekindle your own dreams and start living them.


– 6:05 You Can Live Your Dream!

Get the losers out of your life!

  • Align with the people who are also living their dreams.
  • Invest in yourself.
  • Forget other people’s opinions of you – that’s their own bullshit, not yours.
  • What is your Ideal?
  • What change can you make to break your current rut?
  • What risks are you willing to take?

Are you going to break out of your comfort zone?

You do know your Dream is beyond it, don’t you?


I’ve taken the first step ….

My Life Pivot has only just began.

I am going to live MY DREAM!

Wish me good fortune or whatever you like in the comments below, OK?

  • Do you think I’m crazy?
  • Just aend me a ‘Hello’ from whereever you are.
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