Prostitutes - Aren't They Really Good For a Relationship?

Prostitutes - Aren't They Really Good For a Relationship?

What’s Your Partner Got To Worry About?

it is a personal service isn't it?
It is a personal service isn’t it?

Let me first say this:

I hold the sanctity of a loving relationship high on my list of personal values.

In no way am I suggesting a betrayal of trust with your partner here.

I’m voicing an opinion in a rather pragmatic way, to elicit some conversation around a rather controversial subject.

And something that’s deeply rooted in society that we’ve got wrong.


Do My Toes Please

Question 1: If your spouse wanted you to trim their toenails and you didn’t want to, you’d be OK for them to trot off to the beauty clinic for some expert treatment, wouldn’t you?
Answer 1: Of course you’d be OK with it. Happens all the time.

Question 2: If your spouse wanted you to suck their toes during lovemaking and you didn’t want to, would you be OK for them to trot off to the nearest brothel?
Answer 2: For 99.99% of you, you’d be horrified about that.

Isn’t a prostitute supplying a personal service like the beauty clinic?


Are Prostitutes Good for a Relationship?

Let’s take this a few steps further.

  • They aren’t a replacement for your partner.
  • They aren’t interested in you.
  • They don’t want or desire your feelings.
  • There’s no love, trust or companionship with the personal services of a prostitute.
  • It’s a transaction for a service supplied by a professional.

That’s it.

Relationships are built on the understanding of your loved one.

And usually you want your spouse / partner to be happy.

Because we’re all different individuals, we also have varying likes and dislikes and those can and do include the area of sexual relations.

If we’re really to be understanding and loving, the services of sex workers should be welcomed by everyone.

Sex workers should be a viewed as a compliment to a loving and trusted relationship where one side doesn’t wish to engage in a particular sexual act that the other would like to explore.

Not be enraged that your partner’s wants (or just experiments in trying something) been fulfilled elsewhere, despite being rejected at home.

That makes a mockery of what a loving relationship should really be.


Are Prostitutes Cheating?

That’s a curly one but I’m going to say ‘No’ for the sake of this post.


Well because there shouldn’t even be a hint of betrayal or hiding, if a prostitute was used as the provision of personal services.

They should be viewed as simply a ‘supply and demand’ service.

Is it all a misconstrued services business?
Is it all a misconstrued services business?


Where Prostitution Gets Sticky

Sorry for that pun but I couldn’t resist :)

This entire situation gets confused because it involves sex, plain and simple.

The use of a penis and vagina in an open relationship is somehow tied intrinsically to ownership, by the other party, and to never see the light of day with another individual.

Unless it’s a doctor, beautician or some other professional … and then they can touch and prod all they like.

But when it comes to using our equipment in a sexual manner then it’s another story, isn’t it?

It's time to bring sex workers out of the dark ages
It’s time to bring sex workers out of the dark ages


I’ll Pose This To You Then

If you want to explore a sexual act then you should:

  • Talk about it with your partner
  • Discover whether they are willing to try it with you
  • Be OK if they’d rather not try
    • They should be OK if you engage the personal services of a sex worker
    • You both should realise it’s entirely a physical act
    • There’s no loss of love, trust or togetherness
    • The lovemaking you engage in now continues as it has before

In this situation, whether you’re a man or woman, you should be OK with using a prostitute or sex worker to satisfy your partner’s happiness (and your relationship too).

Shouldn’t you?


Speak Your Mind Because I Know You Have One

  • Well? What’s your view on your partner using a prostitute?
  • Could you view a sex worker as a personal service?
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