Re-Ignite The Passion In Your Relationship In 5 Easy Steps

Get Ready For Ignition of Passion Time!
In long-term relationships or when couples have become parents, it’s not unusual for a relationship to start to feel a little stale.
You both love each other, there’s no doubt about it, but the passion and the romance are almost non-existent and you feel more like friends or roommates than lovers.

Romance is about feeling connected, it’s about feeling close to your partner and feeling heard.
Sometimes the passion in a relationship can recede because of a stressful job or managing the demands of young children.
It’s not impossible to feel that passion again but to achieve it, it is essential that you prioritize time together as a couple in order to rekindle the romance.
Here are 5 simple steps to help you revive your relationship:
STEP 1 – Go Do a Date Again
Go on a date.
Remember the days when you and your partner used to go out for dinner or see a movie without the kids?
Having a date night each week (or fortnight or month) allows you both to just enjoy each other’s company without the demands of running a household or the distracted attention of raising children.
It’s important to take time out from everyday responsibilities and stressors that can put a lot of pressure on your relationship.
So whether it’s dinner at a restaurant or takeaway pizza and a DVD for a quiet night in, give yourself this time to relax and connect with your partner on a regular basis.

STEP 2 – Quality Is Key
Spend quality time with your partner.
Make sure the time you do spend together is quality.

You have to have time together that isn’t focused on caring for the children or completing household chores.
Sometimes the brief time you have together can be hijacked by worries or achieving certain tasks and this can take away the chance to just enjoy each other’s company.
Try to do something you wouldn’t normally do together such as going for a walk, exercising together, having a glass of wine once the children have gone to bed, or cooking up a Sunday breakfast.
STEP 3 – Get Jiggy With Romance
Plan a romantic night for two.
Ditch the daggy pajamas or track pants and dress up for the night.
If you look good and feel good then it will work wonders at strengthening the romance in your relationship.
Try a fancy restaurant or for those on a budget, a home-prepared picnic at a scenic location.
STEP 4 – Touchy-Feely Is a Good Thing
Get touchy-feely.
Research shows that women feel intimate with their partners when they feel as though they have been heard.
When emotional intimacy is established, physical intimacy is likely to follow.
For men, physical touch incites intimacy.
However, it doesn’t have to be in a sexual way.
Touching through kissing, hugging, holding hands and massages are simple ways to show your partner how you feel.

STEP 5 – Surprise!
Surprise your partner.
Small, simple actions can show your partner that you really care about them.
Leaving a love message on a post-it note, picking flowers from the garden, or doing something you know your partner loves are not only examples of romance but they also demonstrate to your partner that you have them in mind, even though you might be strapped for time together.
There are plenty of ways to bring back the romance and passion into your relationship, it’s just a matter of prioritizing the time you share together and doing simple little actions to show your partner you love them.
When you feel emotionally connected with your partner, the passion will come naturally.
Speak Your Mind, With Your Opinion
Nice to see you made it to the end of the post. Here’s what you can do next:
- So how do you ignite the passion?
- Do you think both guys and gals love romance?
And thanks for reading too – Let us know your thoughts in the comments.