Sexting - Would You Send One Or Have You?

Sexting - Would You Send One Or Have You?
sending sexy sext messages

Sending sexy text messages to someone you love (or would like to) probably isn’t all that new.

Sexting And You

But check out these extraordinary statistics about just how much this is on the rise in high school and college students.

sex texting - sexting - send sexy text messages
Have you or Would You?


The Sexting Question

We’ll leave the question of students sending suggestive, pornographic or semi-pornographic images to minors – that’s plain wrong as well as illegal. Never ever think this is OK.

On the question of younger people sexting though, I tend to believe they do it due to sexual immaturity, a lack of self confidence and even a need to feel that someone else finds them attractive.


You Might Want To Be A Little Cautious

Firstly, if something works well in a relationship then keep doing it.

Hitting a winning formula in a consenting and loving relationship can take time and it will be different for each and every relationship too.

While it’s great to see statistics that 73% of sext messages were sent to relationship partners that leaves 27% of young adults sending suggestive or naked pics and messages to casual friends? Jesus, do these kids have any idea where their junk is going to end up?

Yep, 17% will forward your boobs and arse onto a friend. Oh that’s so cool to think your private bits will remain floating around on the Internet, for decades to come :)


Relationship Sexting Can Be Good .. Are Words Better?

You know, there really are benefits to sexting though.

Admission Time:
Call me a prude but I’ve never sent a text message with a photo of ‘my junk’.

On thinking, I see far more value for me in the suggestive and sexually value in words. I personally find the power and mystic of words to work better – much like the allure of a woman wearing lingerie. It’s not what you see but what you can’t see and then imagine.

When my wife Pam Allen and I first dated via Facebook, all we had were non-physical methods for staying in touch.

So we really do understand just how powerful text messages can be.

Here’s a great example where (I think) a pure text message far outweighs a picture, even though they say a ‘Picture is worth a thousand words’:

the safe way of sexting with words
Read that last line again …
Don’t you think words can often better than a picture?

Read that last line again …. If I sent a picture of my arms, I don’t think they would have carried the same imagination to her of me holding her in my arms.


Beware of The Pitfalls

  • Double check who you’re sending to – sometimes your boss might object to seeing your private parts
  • If you’re not sending to someone who you trust intimately, rethink whether you’d be OK with the message or picture ending up on Reddit, Facebook or Twitter.
  • Good idea to delete risqué photos on a regular basis. I’m sure Scarlett Johanssen should have.
  • Be OK with the other party not ‘being into it’ to. People have differing levels of adventure and that’s OK
  • Don’t send unsolicited nudey pics. You know what communication is, right? Well make sure there’s context around an imminent picture sending
  • As I said before, leaving something to the imagination is so much more sensually appealing


Over To You

Now that we’ve reached the bottom, here’s what you can do next:

  • Do you think I’m a bit of a prude?
  • Have you dabbled in this wild side yourself? What have you sent? How was it received?
  • Since you read all the way to the bottom, what’s your opinion/s on why students have an increasing use of sexting?
  • Click one of the Share buttons – your friends can then enjoy this article too.

And thanks for reading too – I’ll see you in the comments.

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