Top 4 Relationship Post Reviews for the Week

When you’re as involved and interested in relationships, dating, sex and lifestyle as we are at GeekandJock, there’s going to be some fabulous articles that we stumble across.
Let us do all the heavy lifting and I’m going to point you over to a few other site articles that you really MUST read.
Without any further ado, here’s the current Top 4 articles that I’d suggest would be some essential reading on relationships.
Check them out ….
#1 – Online Dating Safety! Should You Run A Background Check On People You Date?

GeekandJock: What’s Good?
Well, Aliola is just a great chick, period.
We connected via Google+ and then GeekandJock were invited to do a Guest Post which we’re still to get to.
I thought this article on Online Dating Safety and Background Checks was something we’ve never featured in any of our content here.
Yet, extremely valuable information on the potential pitfalls with Online Dating and all those anonymous guys and gals you’re likely to hook up with.
Danger … Danger.
GeekandJock’s Take?
If you’re currently in or thinking about dating online, do check out the article.
It might just save your arse in getting together with a married person or, even worse, a nut-job.
#2 – Love Simply Is….

What is it to you?
GeekandJock: What’s Good?
We’ve only just begun our connection with Nancy Shields in the last month or two. What we’ve discovered is this lady has got heart and soul and her site really does align with ours. Cut the crap, be honest and get living.
This post has some simple yet powerful one liners we all should take to heart.
- Love Simply Is….We cannot “fix”
- Are we being driven by love or by a lie of obligations?
- Love is a transformational force of nature.
- Love Is The Energy That Fuels Everything And Changes Everything For We All Are Love
GeekandJock’s Take?
As much as we talk about the boundaries of love and trust, there is always other opinions and thoughts.
I found Nancy’s post to be particularly thought provoking.
It’s a wonderful reinforcement that we’re all on the same path and desire. We’re all prone to fault. We’re all capable of fucking up. We’re all empowered with righting the past’s wrongs and making magic, if we have a mind to.
Are you game? Check out the article and let me know whether you feel it has immense value, even if only to remind us.
#3 – 5 Relationship Myths That Could End Your Relationship

GeekandJock: What’s Good?
The incredibly empowered ladies I stumble across on the Internet. Bellaisa is another.
The lady has soul. She has an intense desire to simply help others – you can understand why Pam and I resonate with what she’s doing on her site.
The post doesn’t hold back on what you might think encapsulates what a healthy relationship might be all about.
There’s so many myths floating about that just plain confuse us all.
In dispelling what you thought should be true, her words actually strengthen what we need to be mindful of and where we should be concentrating on to actually live in reality as well as forgive our partner’s wrong-doings.
No-one is perfect – least of all me :)
GeekandJock’s Take?
Pull no punches – take no prisoners – tell the truth.
It’s a short and punchy post that’s quick to read. Get yourself back to reality and start living the relationship you were meant to live.
#4 – Are You An Oak Tree Or A Palm Tree?

GeekandJock: What’s Good?
Well, you might wonder why I’m reading a blog post that’s focused on Black Love and Marriage?
To be honest, I personally don’t give a rat’s arse about skin colour – it’s irrelevent to me.
If someone has more or less skin pigmentation than I have, big freaking deal!
Point is, we’re all interested in bettering the human condition and getting all you guys to fully realise your potential and self-worth. Despite the reference to colour and heritage, Black Love and Marriage has some fascinating posts.
GeekandJock’s Take?
For a guy, check out this one for some magical insights on behaviour.
As men, society dictates we ‘act’ in certain ways. And typically, we’re told no never cry, man-up, suck it up, act tough, don’t show emotion, be a tough guy and be a leader in every-god-damn-thing.
The Oak Tree vs Palm Tree article is a wonderful recount of a real man’s discovery on an alternate way.
I love this quote – “Marriage has shown me that I need to be a Palm because without being able to bend, you will surely break.”
OK Guys, til next review time, that’s it.
And watch out for that next post review cause it’s on sex :)
Let me know your comments below, if you found these helpful, insightful or a plain waste of your life.