Ways to Let Your Sweetheart Rekindle the Romance

Ways to Let Your Sweetheart Rekindle the Romance

Don’t Lose that Loving Feeling

it can be pretty simple to rekindle the romance
It can be pretty simple to rekindle the romance

Beware: Same old boring routine can actually be hazardous to your relationship!

Couples who have been going out for over a year can find this to be all too familiar.

While getting comfortable and familiar with each other is a good thing, it’s sometimes inevitable that this also becomes a reason for faded romance.

If you feel like you are in such relationship, take the initiative to turn things around through these gestures that will eventually have your sweetie acting a little more romantic.


Play Your Songs

Every couple has at least one song that reminds them of each other.

It could be the song played in the coffee shop where they almost had their fraps mixed up or that loud track in the car when they first went on a real date. Hearing songs that make you reminisce on simple and grand moments you shared together could have you longing for those days.

Playfully sing these songs in the shower while your sweetheart is in the next room working or subtly play them while you’re doing some house chores together.

This will make your partner realize how wonderful it felt when you were still getting to know each other, therefore getting an urge to try to be closer to you again. I once dated a guy who always kissed me whenever he heard a track from 50 First Dates, the movie that he never liked but still watched over and over because he had no choice.

It wasn’t a very ideal scenario, but it worked!


Pull Off a Relaxing Bath

No, this is not for you, nor is it for sexy time.

There’s nothing more relaxing than a warm bath after a hard day’s work.

Surprise your partner with this gift by preparing a nice bubble bath, complete with scented candles and soothing music. Not only does this allow them to de-stress and feel grateful for having you, it will also make them think how better it would be if you were to join them.

Try not to be so obvious about this other hidden agenda by turning down the invitation and saying that they need it more.

This shows your concern and in the end bring about a more calm and well-rested partner who’s willing to show gratitude for your goodness.

The keyword is willing.


Be a Coupon Couple

This is one of the simplest yet most enjoyable activities that you can do with your sweetheart.

  • Prepare coupons that entitle your partner to a night of free treats and services.
  • A thirty-minute backrub can be good for starters or a three-day free of arguments will also be coveted.

Set rules on how the coupons can be earned and availed of. Impose strict guidelines to add more excitement and not defeat the purpose of being rewarded with coupons. Something as simple—or cheesy—as this can actually rekindle the lost passion in your relationship.

This will help both of you to realize the importance of having fun while being intimate.


Photos Can Be Your Weapon

Well, this is more of a woman’s weapon; it’s the women that enjoy selfies after all.

Use this vanity to your advantage by sending him photos of yourself randomly throughout the day. It can be the one where you were still in middle school, looking so naive and vulnerable or a more recent one taken just after you got out of the shower this morning.

In doing so, you’re allowing your partner to look closer and appreciate what he really loves about you.

This can probably have him leaving work early to take that beautiful woman in the photo out to a fine dinner!


Leave Love Notes

Sometimes we become too occupied with technology with all the mushy texting and PDAs in social media that we often forget about the old school charm of simply writing.

Pick up a crayon, a marker, or even one of those promotional pens they give you at work and scribble sweet nothings on post its or fast food table napkins.

Cute doodles or a short note such as “Take care” or “Nail that presentation today” will speak of your consistency in paying attention to what your partner is busy with on a day to day basis.


Likewise, it’s always more romantic to add personal touch by showcasing your penmanship, something that’s not very common in today’s digitally-driven world.


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