5 Tips for Creating a Killer Online Dating Profile

A StandOut Dating Profile
For every good person you meet online, there are a thousand creepy people.
Online dating is no walk in the park.
Especially if you’re a girl.
In theory, it sounds like it should be easy… after all, you just fill out a profile online and wait for matches to roll in, right?
If only it were that simple!
For every good, solid person you meet online there are a thousand creepy people that you meet first, and weeding through prospective dates can make for more than a few humorous stories and bad date experiences.
However, one thing that might be deterring you from finding Mr. or Mrs. Right is your dating profile.
To create a really successful dating profile, make sure that you’re doing these things:
1. Be Honest
Don’t try to fit into a mold of what you think people want, just be yourself.
Plumping up your profile with fluff will always backfire.
Unless you plan on suddenly losing 50lbs before your first date don’t bother saying that you’re slim.
And until you put lifts in your shoes, don’t claim to be 6ft when you’re barely 5’8”.
There’s no bigger let down than thinking that you’re going out with one person and then meeting them and realizing that they’re nothing like the person they initially described online.
So skip any stretching of the truth – you want someone to like you for who you are, right?
Unless of course you’re going to spend your entire profile professing your love for cats.

There’s someone just right for you – don’t lie and scare them off
Might want to tone that one down a bit.
2. Include a Good Picture
No one wants to try to guess what you look like.
All too often people will include photos of themselves with sunglasses and hats on, be far off in the distance, or post something that was taken several years ago.
You want your date to recognize you when you walk in to meet them for the first time, not be crest-fallen because they expected one thing and got another.
And try to smile in your picture.

That’s the image of a person you’d love to meet on a date
It can make all the difference.
3. Be Confident, Not Arrogant
There’s a fine line between confidence and arrogance, and once you cross into the field of arrogance you’re doomed.
Everyone wants to date someone who likes themselves, but no one wants to date the person who is in love with themselves.

So confidence, in you as a person, is important
Having enough confidence to state what you believe in and what you want is a good thing.
But alienating people because you’re being too forward is not.
4. Spell Check
Not taking the time to spell check and proof-read your dating profile shows a lack of any real interest in it and makes you look lazy and careless.
If you aren’t willing to take the time to put any real effort into your profile then why would anyone think you’re going to take the time to put any real effort into a relationship?

Use a spell checker!
Sloppy isn’t sexy.
5. Maintain Some Mystery
Avoid telling your entire life story online – maintain a level of mystery that way people are intrigued with you and want to go on a date with you to get to know you better.
Laying out everything about you takes away the necessity of going on a date, thus defeating the whole purpose.

But you have to admit, you do want to know more about the guy, don’t you?
As people gravitate towards longer hours at the office and less time out mingling with singles their age, online dating is becoming an increasingly popular choice to meet a potential mate.
Take advantage of these opportunities and have fun and be creative with your dating profile.
Just make sure that you’re being yourself too!
Got any More?
That’s our Top 5.
Have you got any others you found work well?