Foolproof Solutions to the 5 Biggest Online Dating Challenges

Foolproof Solutions to the 5 Biggest Online Dating Challenges

Overcome the Dating Obstacles

As more and more people forgo the bar scene and dive headfirst into the online dating world, it’s getting harder and harder to land quality dates and find people with some actual substance.

But, before you cancel your subscription and give up on dating entirely, check out these 5 solutions to your online dating challenges and discover how to actually enjoy looking for love online once again.


People Are LIARS

who is lying to who
Who is lying to who

For some reason, the Internet is like Disneyland for adults.

People seem to think they can do, be, and say whatever they want.

Remember, a profile does not represent who someone actually is—it represents who someone wants to be.

A social media profile allows people the opportunity to craft their ideal identity, including desired age, weight, height, and personality.

The best way to deal with all the inconsistencies is to just go in assuming that about 50% of the people you look at are lying about something, and try to just determine a person’s age through their pictures (hopefully they’re recent).


Everybody Just Wants to Hook Up

If you aren’t finding suitable matches who want the same things you do, perhaps you should invest in a pricier site that dedicates resources to matchmaking and compatibility.

Free sites are great for quantity, but if you’re looking for quality, then it would behoove you to make the investment and move up to a classier location.

It’s also a good idea to schedule your first couple dates during the day, in a public location so that you won’t have to deal with any awkward sexual pressure, and you can safely take a break if the chemistry just isn’t there.


People Don’t Want to Meet in Person

is it just ego
Is it just ego for some people?

Although the premise of online dating is pretty straightforward, weird people still manage to find a way to get it twisted.

Some folks are just in it for the ego trip that comes with the chase, and apparently have no intentions of pursuing an in-person relationship.

Remember, just like social media, many online-dating sites are either free or relatively inexpensive to join.

This means that the same person can create multiple accounts to just string people along from. Don’t waste time with online profiles of people that are “too busy” or strangely always “out of town”.

You don’t have a real love connection until you meet face-to-face.


It’s a Time Suck

Are you spending hours online and getting little to no response?

The fact is, there are so many online daters nowadays, that it can hard to stand out from the crowd.

Think of online dating like applying for a job in a bad economy (sound familiar)?.

You have to do something special in order to stand out from the herd.

Are you just another person who likes to go hiking on the weekends and take long walks on the beach?

Even if it’s true, don’t say anything that can be construed as a cliche.

Ask your close friends to look at your profile and give you feedback.

Remember, try and offer up something about yourself that is truly UNIQUE. You’ll get a lot further with something like “I’m double-jointed in my hip” than “I like to watch movies.”

Get creative people.


It’s Not Safe

do you know who you_re chatting with really
Do you know who you’re chatting with, really?

Lately, there has been a lot of stories in the news about women who have been assaulted or worse by men they met through an online dating website.

While you can never guarantee with 100% certainty that nothing will go wrong, there are several things you can do to prevent becoming the victim of an attack.

Experts agree that the best way to protect yourself when online dating is to run a criminal background check on everyone you plan to meet in-person.

Dangerous people will usually have a history of violent behavior and most likely a criminal record.

An online background check will reveal if someone has ever been arrested, gotten a DUI, had a restraining order placed against them or been convicted of anything else that could indicate they are a dangerous person.

Even if you meet up with someone in a public place, during the day, certain predators can be very charming and say all the right things to make you feel comfortable with them so they can get you alone. A background check is the only way to know for sure whether or not someone could be dangerous.

Online dating can be a fun way to either meet new people or find your one true love.

It’s important to know the risks, and take the proper precautions in order to keep yourself out of harm’s way.


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  • Have you ever ran foul on a date?
  • Do you think it’s more unsafe now than a few years ago when dating?
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