How Stress Affects Your Relationship

How Stress Affects Your Relationship

Everyday stress can destroy your health and take away your relationship or happy married life.

Stress is a killer disorder that can kill your marriage and adversely affect your relationship with your kids or colleagues.

Man is a social being and needs company for sharing joys and sorrows.

Stress can be a result of the factors affiliated with the relationship itself or by some external factors. As a married person, you might feel stressed due to an unaffectionate partner, monetary problems, lack of understanding.

As a parent you can be stressed with your kid’s hyperactivity, under performance, illness, and aggression.

At workplace stress can be a result of demanding expectations and competitive priorities.

To combat the ill effects of stress, you must be able to strike the right balance between work and family.


Stress induced Factors that Hamper a Relation:

Frustration and Criticism

Frustration and Criticism for women
Stress affects women very differently to men

For a woman, being stressed about something and not being able to love the spouse back can destroy a relationship over a period of time.

Men primarily wish to be loved unconditionally and to love their lady and make her happy. However, your stress can be a relationship killer. Being overstressed can force you to criticize your man for no reason, prevent you from appreciating and acknowledging him, and keeping you from being truly intimate.

Such things, if occur on a regular basis, a man will certainly withdraw from a relationship.


Not Making Time for Her

For a man, being stressed results in being unable to make some time for his woman.

Men, when stressed, forget to focus on her and their relationship.

Failing to compliment her and failing to make her protected and cherished can result in a marital discord.

If you become less-than careful with a person you love, you hamper the understanding you both share, and it ultimately might result in relationship breakdown.



depression in a relationship
Remember to keep communicating, even when depressed

Stress is one of the reasons that might induce depression in you and being depressed can force you to isolation from any relation.

Stress-induced isolation and depression often keeps you from talking to your spouse.

This gives them a feeling of being rejected.

Not talking about your problems and worries can turn down the your mutual understanding.

You must share your problems with your spouse as this will make your spouse aware of the fact that you are stressed (sometimes spouse might not believe that you have a reason to be stressed until you share).


Difficulty Balancing

Being overwhelmed with the tedious activities and tasks, for which you do not have time, can result in your inability to spare time for family.

The more time you are stressed about your other activities, you are less likely to get time for family and personal responsibilities.

So saying NO to stressful activities can save your relationship by allowing you to strike the balance.


Lack of Intimacy

avoid the lack of intimacy
Intimacy and sharing helps relieve tensions so DO IT!

Here intimacy is not with the physical aspects but also with regards to emotional aspect.

Being drained emotionally and physically can turn you off for any intimate talks or actions. To make and maintain a relationship strong, you need to maintain intimacy, which becomes impossible due to stress.

Being intimate and sharing thoughts and feelings with your spouse would rather help relieve tensions.

There are different reasons of stress in a relationship such as financial problems, job-related tensions, marital problems, and parental issues.

[Tweet “Stress is a physical reaction to the challenges of life.”]

If you are stressed due to your unmanageable responsibilities, work pressure or any other reason, remember, it is not only harmful for your health, but it might be gradually destroying your relationship.

Your spouse/children can be victims to your stress and you failing to manage the stress in time, can end your relationship.


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