The Bungie Cord and the Bounce Back

The Bungie Cord and the Bounce Back

Stretching and Bouncing

Who I was and who I am are still the same.

I’ve been doing quite a bit of relationship purging over the last while.

For me anyway, breaking up and ending a marriage was challenging to do when I’ve invested so much time, energy, support and caring.

Because of the type of guy that I am at my core, there is/was still a part of me that loves her.

More to the point, I love who I thought she was and who I thought we were to become, together.

Time for some soulshaping (or reshaping) of my mine now.


Purging Done

I needed to regain the emotional stability I had lost, so long ago but it’s a work in progress.

In the last few days I have rediscovered that person and the qualities that embody his essence, my essence.

Interestingly, I captured those qualities 4 years ago, in between my first wife, Vicki and my last wife, Pam and in a group mindmap session, with other spirituality connected folk.

Reading it again was powerful for me.

Who I was and who I am are still the same.

I had allowed ‘my being and energy’ to be diverted so the blame for that is mine and mine alone.

I own it, I take responsibility for allowing it to happen and I will regain what was lost and begin restoring the essence of my true self.

That’s the path, for us all.

Martin's Intrinsic Value
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What’s The Qualities Mean?

In a short space of time, the mindmap session revealed both my externally seen qualities as well as what radiated from within, hence ‘conscious’ and ‘unconscious’.

A pretty neat exercise.

From the group, they saw me as loving all that love is.

A giving person which has always been evident.

Trusting. I know that I initially trust implicitly which can be a detriment.

And I am always in there for some fun out of life (who really wants to be around some stiff upper-lip toffy-nosed Englishman, huh? :) ).

The big surprise was drilling down into my inner self and pop out the meaning of myself, from my own point of view and beliefs.


The Real Essence

  • Sharing
  • Value
  • Connection
  • Friendship

The bungie rope is now snapping back up.

I’m incredibly fortunate it’s now being held onto by trusted mentors who’ll call me out and adjust my path and thinking, if I need it. (Without deception or agenda)

I’m still listening and learning.

Are you?

bringing back some of the lost fun
The hair is coming back as well :)


What’s Your Opinion?

  • Where’s your bungie cord at?
  • Still going down or springing up?
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